Caring For The People You Love Since 1953

About Pioneer Apartments

The Pioneer Apartments are a HUD Section 8 housing project for the elderly and handicapped. The head of household must be 62 years of age and there is a maximum income limit. Rent is 30% of adjusted income and includes heat, lights, trash, water and sewer. Cable TV service is available. All 20 apartments are one bedroom and average 620 sq. feet. There are ten garage units available for rent.

Services such as housekeeping, meals on wheels, etc. can be arranged though Polk County Aging and Disability Resource Center and are based on income and need. The Pioneer Apartments is a secure building equipped with a call system that will notify others in the building when assistance is needed.

Tenants of the Pioneer Apartments are invited to attend any of the nursing home functions. The nursing home does not provide nursing services to the apartments.

The Pioneer Apartments are owned by the United Pioneer Home, Inc., and managed by Allegiant Property Management. The management office is located at the United Pioneer Home – Business Office, 623 South Second Street, Luck WI 54853. The phone number is 888-393-3282.

Requests for applications and information regarding the Pioneer Apartments should be directed to the management agent.

The United Pioneer Home, Inc. is pledged to the letter and spirit of the U. S. policy for the achievement of equal housing opportunity throughout the nation. We encourage and support an affirmative advertising and marketing program in which there are no barriers to obtaining housing because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap familiar status or national origin unless excluded by law.
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